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This is a very richly textured narrative, visually, psychologically, and even in the way the story beats are structured.

The Sara in my life is my best friend, and the feelings are very starkly and authentically captured. The aesthetics you chose for this project are put to very, very good use.


I love the style of this game! Really unique. But the real draw here is the writing. You really get drawn into Sara's mind here, and it was really interesting!


The way the writing delves into a personal space that’s both uncomfortable and intimate is incredible. And it jives well with the sticky notes aesthetic because, well, it defines the kind of relationships the game explores. I can’t really express it, but I really found it mesmerizing and wonderful.


always really astounded by your ability to thoroughly flesh out the internal processes that guide this type of girl which frequently appears in your games. another certified bagenzo classic.